Saturday, October 21, 2006

A bookish meme

   I was tagged for this by Charley.

1. Grab the nearest book. If you are currently reading something, that'll be fine too.

2. Open the book to page 123.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the text of the next 4 sentences on your Blog along with these instructions.

5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet I know that is what you were thinking!

6. Tag 5 people

   This was not as easy as it sounded. I am in the middle of a book right now; Speaker For The Dead, by Orson Scott Card, but it's on an whole other floor of the house. The closest book to where I am sitting right now is one of those Tor double novels; two short novels back to back in one pocket book. This one is Cascade Point, by Timothy Zahn. Flip the book over, and the other side is Hardfought, by Greg Bear. Unfortunately, neither of them has 123 pages.
   The next book on the shelf is:
   "Her voice was deep, and her words came slowly, and her tone sandpapered his eardrums just a bit. She had long legs and heavy thighs beneath the tight denim. Tanner licked his lips and studied the screens. Did he want to keep her around for a while?"
   --Roger Zelazny, Damnation Alley.
   No, I'm not kidding.

   As for step six, I don't do tagging. I'll tell you, there's nothing more ego bruising as tagging five people for a meme, and finding out that none of them ever find out, because none of them read your journal. If you happen across this entry in the wasteland of this blog-o-sphere, and feel inclined to do the meme yourself, drop a link and let me know.

tags: ,


Anonymous said...

Here, now stop complaining that nobody reads your stuff.


Anonymous said...

Did it!

Anonymous said...

Well, Paul, I'm even more interested what kind of books you keep on your nightstand ;)

Anonymous said...

I did this in my poor, neglected LJ:

Anonymous said...

WEll, as it happens, Kate added her bookish meme, and your link. When it deals with books, I'm in. So I came to your place right away. It's a great diversion after having written narrative-style progress reports for reading, writing, and math objectives for my seventeen students. So yes, I'm in. I read Orson Scott Card's Speaker for the Dead.... loved all his Ender series stories... actually, I'm a Scott Card fan through and through. WEll, his SciFi material... I haven't read any of his Mormon-related books, because I'm not a Mormon. That doesn't mean I won't be reading them... I do own Sarah, but haven't read it yet. Anyway, I'm off to write my entry using the book. Did you see the movie Damnation Alley?It was terrible. And I was a George Peppard fan. Long time ago when he was gorgeous. Acting was bland, but he was appealing to my then young and tender eyes. I'm thinking the book is far superior to the movie. Here's a link about the movie:


Anonymous said...

Here's mine, Paul.

Anonymous said...

hugs from natalie
and , since yuo and Charlie want me to do it, ok!:)

Anonymous said...

Hey here it is Paul!
hugs, natalie