Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Figaro, figaro, figaro...

  At some point yesterday...I remember, it was when I was yelling at him to go have a damn shower, look how dirty your hair is...I noticed that Matthew's hair was not hanging in his eyes. This is the kid who has flat out refused to get a haircut for going on eight weeks now. Shortly afterwards, my wife came out of the bathroom asking why there was hair all over the place. The little chigger cut his own hair.
  I guess it was bothering him, hanging in his eyes like that, but he wants to grow it long like his thirteen year old cousin, so he didn't want to go to the barber. He took the scissors and trimmed, rather jaggedly, his bangs.
  Oh well. This falls, rather firmly, into the he made his own bed, he can lie in it category.

  More things.


Anonymous said...

LOL That's nothing! Cameron is into this thing about unibrows and I swear he doesnt have one, but he thinks he does, so he goes in and shaves his darn eyebrows to the point that they look like Hitlers mustache. Oh, and yesterday he announced that he can't stand having hair on his body, so he's shaving his arms and legs, and God only knows what else.

Anonymous said...

I was gonna reply to your entry but Lahoma has me laughing to hard!  Hehe!  Comment left, are they working?


Anonymous said...

What is it that makes just about every child want to chop their own hair?  All my kids have done it, and they usually do it right before picture day at school or some formal occasion.  The best one from my litter was when my oldest son, who had very long hair at the time, got bored while waiting to get his school picture taken and began to wind his hair around the complimentary comb that was provided by the photographer.  He ended up getting the comb so entangled that the school had to call me at home so I could go and try to untangle it.  I wanted to tell them to just go ahead and take his picture with the comb stuck there on his forhead, but my husband got it out in time.

Anonymous said...

My son, is six and he has done some pretty funny stuff, but thankfully so far, cutting his own hair hasn`t been one of the way sir, thank you for helping with my journal link the other night, I appreciate it. I also gotta say, having looked at your 100 things entry, that as an American man, I`m rather partial to good old-fashioned Budweiser beer!

Anonymous said...

My oldest pierced her ear cartilage the other day.  Now I keep waiting for it to fall off.